
Consultancy that delivers business outcomes

InfoSecurity People's packaged consultancy services are clearly defined consultancy engagements that enable you to demonstrate business value back to the organisation.

Our technical business consultants focus on delivering outcome based fixed price solutions to our customers.  We tackle the prevalent challenges facing organisations and enable you to rapidly discover, assess and respond to them in a structured, repeatable model.


Current Assessment Services Include:

GDPR Readiness Assessment – understand your exposure to GDPR, where the gaps are and what measures need to be taken to remediate them.

Shadow IT Assessment – Many organisations now have a cloud first strategy when it comes to their datacenter compute, but what other cloud services are being used by your users?  The InfoSecurity People Shadow IT Assessment addresses this with a clear and concise report detailing what services are being consumed by your users and what legal and security implications you should be aware of.

Privileged Identity Security Model Assessment – quickly identifies the location of your on premise and cloud privileged accounts and carries out an assessment of the security risks.  The resulting report identifies vulnerable machines and accounts on which you can formulate a strategy for remediation.

Endpoint Discovery and Security Posture Assessment – rapidly discovers rogue devices within your network and carries out a baseline security posture assessment.  The assessment benchmarks the environment from a patching, user access control and anti-malware efficiency rating and enables you to proioritise where quick wins can be won to improve security posture as well as the longer term strategy for best practice attainment.