The InfoSecurity People Blog is where we seek to challenge conventional thoughts around security; something that is defined by our mission statement:
“InfoSecurity People secure your business IT and enable your users to work smarter, faster, and collaborate better. We simplify your security outcomes and help you succeed.”
So what makes us different to other resellers and security vendors? The simple answer is that InfoSecurity People is a new breed of security provider that’s focussed on resolving the security challenges facing small to medium enterprises in today’s ever changing security threat landscape. In recent years, the focus of criminals has shifted to smaller organisations as they represent easier targets and sources of revenue than larger enterprises with substantial security architectures and budgets.
Looking at the recent Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report :
- 61{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} of beach victims were organisations with less than 1000 users
- 99{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} of breaches use known vulnerabilities
- 81{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} of breaches leveraged stolen and/or weak passwords
- 66{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} of malware was installed via malicious email attachments.
- over 70{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} of malware samples are unique to the target organisation
This evidence all highlights that smaller organisations are now considered fair game for criminals and our research has shown that only half of SMBs use email protection despite ransomware being the most common attack vector and email being the typical transport medium.
Here at InfoSecurity People We think out of the box to build cyber resilience that works in tune with your business, preventing downtime and loss of revenue, protecting reputation and enabling you to stay focused on achieving business outcomes. We proactively report and remediate endpoint vulnerabilities, drive better user security policies and ensure effective detection and remediation of threats as they occur; meaning you can focus on running your business safe in the knowledge that a breach isn’t going to leave you with unwanted downtime and loss of revenue.
But Endpoint Security isn’t the only thing we do. No one, single solution offers a 100{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} guarantee that you won’t be breached which is why we work with organisations to ensure that multiple levels of defence mitigation are implemented. From the perimeter to the endpoint we have solutions that monitor, detect and prevent breaches which is why we consider our managed service proposition to be unique in this space.
Agile Security is one of our mantras which is why we constantly watch the threat landscape and emerging IT trends so that we can anticipate how your IT will change over the coming years and more importantly that your security maps on to this in a cost effective way.
I’ll leave cloud security for another day but IT is undergoing one of the biggest transformation programs that we’ve seen in recent years and by the end of 2017, forecasts are suggesting that 60{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} of IT compute will be in the cloud. How SMEs balance their IT security in a world where users consume endpoint, data centre and cloud services seamlessly won’t be easy which is why its sometimes better to start with the end goal in mind – the landing zone for criminals is the endpoint – fix that and you solve many potential issues facing SMEs today.
My name’s James Naylor and I founded InfoSecurity People because I was frustrated with the security industry’s failure prevent security breaches in the SME marketplace. The industry hides behind the mantra of “The inevitability of a breach” and whilst we can’t provide a 100{22333276289ca38f5f4873ecc0ab53ca5ebeceb973be9a4871fdb71786b3d1da} service level assurance, it’s something this business aspires to.